About the BNP Paribas Investment Company KSA

BNP Paribas Investment Company KSA is a Closed Joint Stock Company (“BIC” or the “Company”) was incorporated in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and registered on 26th June 2009. BIC operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of BNP Paribas S.A (“Group” or “Parent”) and licensed and regulated by the Capital Market Authority (“CMA”) since 28th August 2010. BIC is licensed to conduct securities business by way of Dealing as Principle, Agent and Underwriter, ArrangingCustody and Advising.

The Company has a share capital of SAR 87,500,000, registered with the Ministry of Commerce under Commercial Registration Number 1010270533 and its CMA License Number is  and 13173-37.


5th floor, building 5.05, King Abdullah Financial District  6690 Discovery Boulevard Road – Al Aqeeq District – Unit No. 1 – Riyadh 2766 – 13519

Tel. (+9661) 1 273 9134

Current activities:


BIC’s corporate and institutional as well as wealth management teams, in conjunction with the relevant specialist teams within the Group based outside of Saudi Arabia, participate in originating and/or arranging permissible transactions within the scope of the license including on debt &equity capital markets.


BIC is licensed to provide custody services to its clients using BNP Paribas’s Global Custody platform supported by its network of affiliates and sub custodians to provide local capabilities in Saudi Arabia.

Dealing as Agent:

BIC is licensed to provide brokerage services on local exchange in Saudi Arabia as well as marketing financial instruments and securities on behalf of other BNP Paribas entities including those linked to fixed income instruments, foreign exchange, interest rates and over the counter derivative transactions.


BIC provides a full suite of financial advisory services ranging from mergers, acquisitions and divestitures to providing advice on public and private projects, joint ventures and privatization. Those advisory services also cover debt & equity capital markets  including capital raising, structuring and restructuring.

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Board Members

Senior Executives

Markets & Exchanges



We understand that sometimes things can go wrong and we encourage you to talk to us and share your concerns.  To do so, please contact us using one of the following means:

  • By Phone +966 11 273 9134
  • By Email: ksa.bic.complaints@bnpparibas.com
  • By Post : BNP Paribas Investment Company, King Abdullah Financial District, Building 5.05, 5th floor – Unit No. 2,  P.O. Box 18771, 6690 Discovery Boulevard Road – Al Aqeeq District, Riyadh 2766 – 13519, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Customer Care

If you have a complaint on any of our services or have any suggestions, you can contact us on 00966 11 273 9134 or visit your nearest investment centre.

Organisational Structure

Financial Statements and Reports

Audited Accounts

Governance Reports

Pillar III Reports